Homeschooling Blogs
Let's Play Math!
This wonderful blog is written by a homeschooling mother who wants to make learning math fun. It is a place where you can learn about new ways of learning, teaching, and understanding math. Math is a game, playing with ideas. This blog is about the ongoing adventure of learning, teaching, and playing around with mathematics from preschool to precalculus.
Large Family Learning
Follow Amber and her children as they enjoy large family learning.
Raising Arrows
Join Amy Roberts as she shares her tips and ideas about homeschooling and large family living.
Get Along Home
This blog follows Cindy and her family as she talks about homeschooling, large families, and parenting.
UnSchoolers Online Blog
Find brand new, late-breaking articles and links related to home/unschooling.
Our Homeschool Reviews
This blog shares the experience of homeschooling an only child.
Waldorf in the Home
Waldorf in the Home is a blog written by Rahima Baldwin Dancy and Cynthia Aldinger (along with guest writers) for Waldorf parents, home schooling families and anyone interested in the LifeWays approach to parenting and childcare.
Large Family Mothering
Sherry writes her blog and shares her experiences as a mom of 15 homeschooled children.
Raising Olives
This blog shares tips, ideas and some of the ups and downs of managing a home with lots of kids and raising children for the glory of God.
I Am a Princess, All Girls Are
This lovely blog chronicles the journey of a grandmother homeschooling a single granddaughter.
One Thankful Mom
This mom of 12 children shares her challenges and blessings at this blog. She shares about adoption, attachment, Sensory Processing Disorder, homeschooling, marriage, life with a large family, and more.
Ozark Ramblings
This blog chronicles the joys of raising and homeschooling an only son.
Ben and Me
Marcy shares her life with her son Ben, an adopted only child, who she is homeschooling.
Our Journey
Jenni Ryan shares resources and life experiences about raising a single child and homeschooling.
Our Full House
Carrie shares life with her 14 blessings, offering a glimpse into the daily life of their family.
There's No Place Like Home: Homeschooling my large, crazy family
Shelly is the mom of eleven children and is homeschooling. Share in her journey.
Rebel Homeschool
A blog written by a Free Thinking mom about secular homeschooling her two teens.
Homeschool Essentials
Whether unschooled or highly structured, religious or secular, all homeschools encounter the same challenges. All successful homeschools exhibit the same essential qualities. This weblog will help you understand and apply those qualities, minimize frustration, and enjoy more success sooner.
A Net in Time Schooling
A homeschool mom and her only son share their homeschooling adventure.
Cabin in the Woods
Diane Knect is homeschooling an only child. Share her experiences with raising her daughter Grace in a homeschooling small family.
Featured Resources
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Creative Home Schooling: A Resource Guide for Smart Families
For a comprehensive guide to home-based education, that does not promote any particular curriculum or religious view, this is one book parents should buy! Parents will appreciate practical advice on getting started, adjusting to new roles, designing curriculum that is both child-centered and fun, and planning for social and emotional growth. Parents will turn to their favorite chapters again and again. Features interviews and tips from many homeschool parents as well as long lists of resources...
Homeschooling and Libraries: New Solutions and Opportunities
Homeschools are alwsy looking for alternative ways of schooling that do not necessarily reflect what a typical classroom looks like. Since homeschooling is so diverse across families, information institutions, including public, academic, school, and special libraries may find it challenging to meet all their needs and desires. This collection of essays offers approaches and strategies from library professionals and veteran homeschoolers on how to best serve the needs and experiences of homeschoo...
Ideas and Books: The Method of Education
A selection of Charlotte Mason's writings on the topic of the place of ideas and books in the education of children. Mason's teachings on the topic of education required six large volumes to cover. This book makes it simple for homeschooling parents to find exactly what they need to learn about Charlotte Mason's thoughts on ideas and books. The teachings and philosophies of Charlotte Mason, a British educator from the last century, are currently experiencing a revival, especially among American ...
A Different Kind of Teacher: Solving the Crisis of American Schooling
In 1991, shortly after receiving both the New York State and New York City Teacher of the Year Awards, John Gatto resigned to begin a new career as an education reform advocate. In this collection of 16 essays, Gatto analyzes the problems of American education and suggests solutions for revitalizing the system prescriptions that run counter to current trends.
Freedom and Beyond (Innovators in Education)
John Holt looks at the role that schooling in society plays in education.